The Purcell Family

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Eve at the Darrow's

Kenna, Nana, Jace, Cole, Tripp and G-da (Grandad)

New Year's Eve at the Darrow's

My sister-in-law, Payton, with little Jace (6 wks).

New Year's Eve at the Darrow's

Tripp with his Uncles, Justin and Chris (these 3 could get into trouble together)

New Year's Eve at the Darrow's

Cole's ready to open more gifts. We spent the New Year with the Purcell side of the family at Payton and Justin's house. The kids opened presents on New Year's Eve.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Claire took time to love on her new panda.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Cole decided to take a quick break (he was starting to get tired at this point). He had a busy morning!

The cousins

Here are the cousins (Cole, Tripp, Madyson) playing in a "mosh pit" they made with the big stuffed animals that Papa and Sugar gave each of them. Claire played it smart and kept a safe distance from the mayhem.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Madyson (2) got a princess dress-up box and put one of the dresses on right away.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Papa and Sugar with Claire (15 mo.)

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Brenna helping Claire open her gifts while Justin runs the video camera.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Not Tripp's turn to play with the rifle

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Tripp's turn to play with the rifle

Mom and Dad's

Sam and Rachel

at Mom and Dad's

Tripp got a shotgun from Papa and Sugar, but as you can see, he wasn't too excited about it. He wanted brother's rifle instead. Thankfully, Cole is pretty good about sharing and giving Tripp a chance to use the rifle. That's Sugar (my mom) in the picture with him.

Christmas at Mom and Dad's

Cole got a rifle (toy) from his Papa and Sugar. Now he can go hunt "deers" and mountain lions. He loves it!

Christmas morning

This was the first year that Cole really understood the Santa Claus concept and it made it even more fun for us. He got so excited about his stocking and all the goodies Santa put in it.

Christmas morning

Tripp finished off a partially eaten cookie left by Santa before he looked at any of his presents. Yes, this is the boy whose first word every morning is "waffles!".

Look what Santa brought!

Christmas morning: Cole on his hotwheels tricycle and Tripp on his radio flyer scooter.